Bay Shore, NY 11706


About ARRA

For over 60 years ARRA (Antenna & Radome Research Associates) has been a global innovator in designing, manufacturing, distribution of coaxial and waveguide components.


15 Harold Court
Bay Shore, NY 11706
(631) 231-8400
(631) 434-1116

More Info on ARRA

For over 60 years ARRA (Antenna & Radome Research Associates) has been a global innovator in designing, manufacturing, distribution of coaxial and waveguide components. Supplying dependable, cost effective solutions to commercial and military customers worldwide. Our vast products line includes: Attenuators, DC Blocks, Couplers, Power Dividers, Combiners, Line Stretchers, Phase Shifters, PIN Diode Switches, Waveguides, Adapters, shorts, Pressure Windows, Twists, Bends, Horns and Terminations.

Articles & News

Passives Cram More Power into Ever-Smaller Packages

Passives Cram More Power into Ever-Smaller Packages

June 29, 2018
The trend throughout the high-frequency industry is to design passive components that can handle higher power levels with effective thermal management in tighter spaces
Active components

Know When to Add Attenuation

April 22, 2015
Attenuation comes in many shapes, sizes, and formats, and can be integrated into a system or application as a quick fix or if there’s a need for a range of attenuation.
NASA technicians evaluate the temperature effects of atmospheric reentry on electronic materials Photo courtesy of NASA wwwnasagov

Preparing RF/MW Parts For Space

Oct. 2, 2012
Space has been called “the final frontier” in both fiction and reality, and it does represent a challenging market for many RF/microwave companies. Along with high reliability...