
San Jose, CA 95131


About Peraso

Peraso is a global leader in the development of 5G mmWave silicon devices, developing mmWave technology since its inception in 2008. We have developed a broad range of core competencies in the field of 5G mmWave semiconductors.


2309 Bering Drive
San Jose, CA 95131
United States of America
+1 408 418 7500

More Info on Peraso

Peraso is a global leader in the development of 5G mmWave silicon devices, developing mmWave technology since its inception in 2008. We have developed a broad range of core competencies in the field of 5G mmWave semiconductors, including:

  • mmWave RF circuits
  • mmWave signal processing algorithms
  • beam forming and beam steering algorithms
  • real time calibration and system monitoring
  • low cost, high performance antenna technology
  • high volume production test capability

Importantly, Peraso has been shipping mmWave semiconductor products for several years, setting us apart from the competition. mmWave circuits are notoriously sensitive to slight variations in the semiconductor manufacturing process, and Peraso has resolved the issues required to ship these products in high volume.

Articles & News

Image courtesy of Samsung

AMD Strikes Deal for Nitero, Aiming for Wireless Virtual Reality

April 11, 2017
Nitero says that its chips can wirelessly connect virtual reality headsets to personal computers, using millimeter wave WiGig technology.

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