If circuit materials are the fundamental building blocks of electronics, then the interest should be high at the Rogers Corp. booth at the IMAPS Device Packaging show next week (March 10-11, 2009, Radisson Fort McDowell Resort and Casino, Scottsdale/Fountain Hills, AZ). Rogers plans on showing a mix of proven and new materials at the show, including its well-established RO4000 and ULTRALAM laminate materials for high-speed, high-frequency wireless and telecommunications applications.
In addition, Rogers will show its recently introduced RO2808 ceramic-filled PTFE circuit-board material with dielectric constant of 7.6 and high stability comparable to low-temperature-cofired-ceramic (LTCC) materials. With a loss tangent of 0.002 or less, the material can be supplied as 1-mil-thick boards for low-profile designs.