Website Correction

Jan. 16, 2007
THANK YOU VERY MUCH for the mention of Pulse Research Lab in your article "Finding A Filter From An Array Of Choices" (April 2006, p. 88). Unfortunately, the article lists our URL incorrectly. The correct URL is Thank you ...

THANK YOU VERY MUCH for the mention of Pulse Research Lab in your article "Finding A Filter From An Array Of Choices" (April 2006, p. 88). Unfortunately, the article lists our URL incorrectly. The correct URL is

Thank you again for your interest in our products.
Steven Kan
Pulse Research Lab

Editor's Note: Thanks for writing, Steven. We apologize to Pulse Research Lab and to our readers for the error. Please note that we have corrected the error in the Web version of the article. The Web version of the mention of Pulse Research Lab can be viewed on the Microwaves & RF website at

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