Global PositioninG system (GPs) integration is becoming increasingly pervasive in mobile phones to provide precise location and time information. Yet GPS capability presents challenges to multi-function device manufacturers, OEM integrators, and contract manufacturers, which now have to determine the appropriate standard tests to verify GPS receiver performance. This issue is made more complicated by the need to test all of the functionality on a multifunctional device. The four-page application note, "GPS Receiver Verification," from Agilent Technologies explores how the capabilities of GPS and other wireless standards can be quickly and cost effectively verified.
To evaluate GPS functionality, an engineer must first determine which standard tests should be used to verify GPS receiver performance. Then it is a matter of finding a controlled environment that facilitates precise repeatability in which to conduct the verification procedure. GPS satellite signals received through an antenna typically cannot be used for testing, as they are variable and non-repeatable. In addition, testing in specific conditions like remote locations can be expensive and impractical. Rather than use a traditional GPS simulator with GPSdedicated hardware, the note recommends a high-performance, general-purpose simulation solution that also can create signals to test other wireless standards. Although this document centers on the N7609B Signal Studio for GNSS, it effectively promotes a holistic approach to multifunctional-device testing.
Agilent Technologies, Inc., 5301 Stevens Creek Blvd., Santa Clara, Ca 95051; (408) 345-8886, FaX: (408) 345-8474, internet: