Lockheed Martin signed a technology license with innovative power converter supplier Ideal Power Converters (IPC) for the use of the fi rm's power converters for a number of applications, including in electric/ hybrid-electric vehicles for military applications. Lockheed Martin is already using IPC's technology in a US Army Hybrid Intelligent Power (HI-Power) development contract. Gil Metzger, Director for Force Projection and Power Management Systems at Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control, explains, "This technology allows Lockheed Martin to develop a new generation of power converter systems that signifi cantly increase effi ciency with dramatic reductions in size and weight. We are always looking to incorporate the best technologies to deliver power systems that defi ne the industry standard for fl exibility, reliability, effi ciency and value."
IPCs power converter technology will allow AC and DC sources and loads to connect effi ciently to a common (AC, DC or hybrid) bus. The technology enables Lockheed Martin to produce smaller and lighter power converters operating at cooler temperatures, to benefi t microgrids, military vehicles, and commercial plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. Lockheed Martin and IPC are working in a collaborative environment concerning technology improvements. IPC's Chief Technology Officer, Bill Alexander, notes that "Lockheed Martin has one of the most advanced power electronic teams in the world. They quickly recognized the tremendous potential for our disruptive technology for both military and commercial clean tech applications."