
Scope Grabs 4-GHz Signals

March 14, 2012
The model R&S RTO1044 4-GHz real-time oscilloscope is suitable for use with the new model R&S RT-ZD40 differential probe with 4.5-GHz bandwidth for analysis of circuit designs through 4 GHz. The oscilloscope, with its combination of wide dynamic ...

The model R&S RTO1044 4-GHz real-time oscilloscope is suitable for use with the new model R&S RT-ZD40 differential probe with 4.5-GHz bandwidth for analysis of circuit designs through 4 GHz. The oscilloscope, with its combination of wide dynamic range, broad bandwidth, and fast Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analysis capability, is well suited for demanding frequency-domain measurements. A handy 10.4-in. touchscreen adds to the instrument's ease of use. It offers a 20-GHz sampling rate and can handle data interfaces to 1.6 Gb/s. The oscilloscope features a 10-GHz single-core analog-to-digital converter (ADC) capable of greater than 7 b effective number of bits (ENOB). The instrument achieves high acquisition speeds, with analysis rate of 1 million waveforms per second. It can isolate glitches as small as 50 ps, and offers adjustable trigger hysteresis to optimize the trigger sensitivity.

Rohde & Schwarz USA, Inc.
8661A Robert Fulton Dr.
Columbia, MD 21046
(410) 910-7800
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