Coaxial Cables Are Phase Stable

April 6, 2012

The Phase Critical Product Line from Times Microwave Systems features an expanded range of PhaseTrack® cable assemblies based on the company’s low-loss cable assemblies. The cables are designed to provide extremely stable phase characteristics over broad temperature and frequency ranges. The PhaseTrack-210 cable assemblies, for example, which are usable through 30 GHz, feature insertion loss of only 0.43 dB per foot at 18 GHz. The exhibit a velocity of propagation of 83% with typical VSWR of 1.35:1 across the frequency range and better than -100 dB shielding effectiveness (SE). These cables are usable at temperatures from -55 to +125°C. This is just one example of the PhaseTrack product line, which includes cables in standard flexible, low smoke flexible, in-the-box flex and semi-rigid versions.

Times Microwave Systems
358 Hall Ave.
Wallingford, CT 06492
(203) 949-8400
FAX: (203) 949-8423

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