
Using Modular Designs in Custom RF/Microwave Components and Assemblies

May 26, 2022
Learn how custom RF/microwave components and subsystems are built that meet SWaP requirements, deadlines and budgets and how to balance design requirements with cost and performance trade-offs to produce custom layouts that adhere to specifications.

Organizations in need of RF/microwave components and microwave subsystems often have difficulty identifying standard catalog solutions that will perform optimally, or even fit adequately, within their specific systems. In this white paper, dB Control explains how to balance design requirements with cost and performance trade-offs. This enables the production of custom layouts that adhere to stringent specifications. By combining proven designs with intuitive customization that optimize SWaP, and by using a fielded, Mil-Qualified modular design approach for increased flexibility, it is possible to build custom solutions that meet challenging technical, cost and delivery requirements.

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