Theory and Operation of Modern Spectrum Analyzers – How modern spectrum analyzers are designed and how they work
As wireless devices and systems spread across every industry, spectrum analyzers serve as an essential RF test tool for characterizing signals and making frequency measurements.
Basics of spectrum analysis
Time and frequency domains
FFT analyzers
Phase noise measurements
Mixers and mixer measurements
And more…
Download Rohde & Schwarz's definitive guide to understanding the technology behind spectrum analyzer measurements.
Performing power measurements of RF devices and systems is an essential part of ensuring accurate, repeatable characterization. A variety of instruments are capable of measuring...
Mini-Circuits’ line of ceramic coaxial resonator filters features a variety of passbands and frequency ranges between 0.4 and 5.8 GHz. Characterized by high-Q and high K, these...
RF switches are ubiquitous in modern test instrumentation designs or for test & measurement applications such as those found in semiconductor test applications.
Mini-Circuits’ new PMA5-series MMIC power amplifiers afford designers both high dynamic range and significant headroom for high PAPR signals up to 10 GHz. All models provide upwards...