============================== Microwaves & RF UPDATE PlanetEE - http://www.planetee.com/ MWRF - http://www.mwrf.com/ March 22, 2007 ============================== Greetings and welcome to your personal copy of PlanetEE's Microwaves and RF UPDATE e-newsletter. Please see below for address-change or subscribe/unsubscribe instructions. Today's Table of Contents: 1. SDR Technology Has Much To Offer Public Safety 2. Skyworks Switch Sets High Isolation Marks 3. Agilent Gains Principal Member Status in WiMAX Forum 4. Microlab/FXR Unleashes Hybrid Combiner For Wireless 5. Podcast Ponders Ethernet, RapidIO Differences 6. AWR and Flomerics Team On European Seminars 7. SDR Forum Supports FCC On Public Safety Radios 8. Happenings - Conferences ************************ ADVERTISEMENT**************************** Enter the PNA-X Attenuator Giveaway Discover PNA-X, the new standard for microwave network analysis, and win a free set of fixed attenuators. Specifically designed for active device test, this premier-performance network analyzer features an integrated second source and signal combining network to simplify testing and reduce costs. For more information, click on the link below: http://www.get.agilent.com/vmx_link.cgi?site=nammoctd&code=pnamwrf&ref= eNews_PNAX_MWRF_Mar07_E ****************************************************************** *************** 1. Viewpoint *************** SDR Technology Has Much To Offer Public Safety In 1998, the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) adopted service rules for the use of 764 to 776 MHz and 794 to 806 MHz for public safety radios. At that time, those bands had been allocated for television broadcasters, but TV stations were requested to gradually vacate the spectrum. Well, the time to vacate (December 31, 2006) has passed and the FCC is now considering radio solutions for this newly freed spectrum. The Commission (www.fcc.gov) has already adopted the technical and operational standards for the bands, but radios must be implemented. The issues facing users of the public safety communications band are not unlike those before the military in joint services operations. The military solution has taken the form of the Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) spearheaded by Boeing Company (www.boeing.com) and Rockwell-Collins (www.rockwellcollins.com). Based on software-defined-radio (SDR) technology, the JTRS concept allows radios to be reprogrammed in the field for use in different theatres and by difference branches of the military. With ever-advancing semiconductor processes and lower-power processors, the JTRS approach is not only possible but also practical, and perhaps the best solution of cross-department public-safety radios. JACK BROWNE Technical Director ************* 2. News ************* Skyworks Switch Sets High Isolation Marks Skyworks Solutions has introduced the model SKY13286-359LF high-isolation switch for cellular infrastructure applications. The switch, which includes a CMOS driver, leverages GaAs PHEMT technology to achieve as much as 60 dB isolation and better than 42 dB isolation between ports from 100 MHz to 6 GHz. The insertion loss ranges from 0.8 to 1.8 dB over that range, while the third-order intercept point is +49 dBm at 500 MHz. The RoHS-compliant switch, which operates with a single positive supply voltage, is supplied in a 4 x 4 mm QFN 16-lead package. Skyworks Solutions ---> http://www.skyworksinc.com/ ********* 3. News ********* Agilent Gains Principal Member Status in WiMAX Forum Agilent Technologies has received principal member status with the WiMAX Forum. The global leader in test equipment has been actively involved in the Forum since 2004. The firm was first to provide standard-compliant 802.16 design and test tools and solutions for fixed and mobile 802.16 applications, and first to enable RF and baseband engineers working at the 802.16-2004 PHY layer to create, analyze, and troubleshoot WiMAX signals. The enhanced status strengthens the company's ability to deliver standards-based WiMAX test solutions, contributing to the delivery of cost-effective, high-quality products into the marketplace. According to Ron Nersesian, vice president of Agilent's Wireless Business Unit, "Inclusion in the WiMAX Forum as a principal member is yet another opportunity for Agilent to continue to demonstrate leadership and ongoing commitment to enabling the emergence of WiMAX as a truly global technology." Agilent Technologies ---> http://www.agilent.com/find/wimax/ ********* 4. News ********* Microlab/FXR Unleashes Hybrid Combiner For Wireless Microlab/FXR, a wholly owned subsidiary of Wireless Telecom Group, Inc., has introduced a broadband 4:2 hybrid combiner for wireless applications from 700 to 2700 MHz. It is designed to combine as many as four signals, as from different antennas, with high isolation and minimum interference between signals. The high isolation alleviates the need for additional filters. The hybrid combiner, which is ideal for neutral host distributed antenna systems or indoor wireless repeater systems based on leaky coaxial cables, offers better than 25 dB isolation across the band with passive intermodulation (PIM) of at least -130 dBm. Each input port is rated for 80 W average power and 3 kW peak power. The hybrid combiner is available with Type N or 7/16 EIA type connectors. Microlab/FXR ---> http://www.microlab.fxr.com/ ********** 5. News ********** Podcast Ponders Ethernet, RapidIO Differences The latest episode of RadioIO(R) Radio delves into the technical differences between Ethernet and RapidIO communications interfaces. The episode, "A Technical Comparison of Ethernet and RapidIO," is available for immediate download from RapidIO and/or iTunes.com. It builds on an early podcast in January which covered the white paper "System Interconnect Fabrics; Ethernet Versus RapidIO Technology." The new episode is hosted by Tom Cox, white paper author, and Greg Shippen, system architect for Freescale Semiconductor's Digital Systems Division, NCSG and a member of the RapidIO Trade Association's Technical Working Group. iTunes ---> http://www.iTunes.com/ RapidIO ---> http://www.RapidIO.org/ ************************ ADVERTISEMENT**************************** Don't Miss Your Favorite Show: Engineering TV Sponsored by Analog Devices and National Instruments, these informative eight-minute video segments show cutting-edge technology in action and offer behind-the-scenes looks at the latest engineering developments. Sneak a peak, at: www.EngineeringTV.com ****************************************************************** ********* 6. News ********* AWR and Flomerics Team On European Seminars Two leaders in design software, AWR and Flomerics, have combined forces on a European seminar series that highlights the integration between AWR's Microwave Office suite and Flomerics MicroStripes full-wave three-dimensional (3D) electromagnetic (EM) simulator. The seminar explores different techniques for circuit and system simulations using the two tools in tandem. Application areas include wireless antenna design, system-in-package (SiP) design, RF module design, and wireless system design. The dates and locations include: 24th April 07 Utrecht, Netherlands 25th April 07 Paris, France 26th April 07 Bracknell, UK 3rd May 07 Stuttgart, Germany 9th May 07 Gothenburg, Sweden 10th May 07 Helsinki, Finland 15th May 07 Milan, Italy Registration ---> http://www.flomerics.com/microstripes/events/ ********* 7. News ********* SDR Forum Supports FCC On Public Safety Radios The Federal Communications Commission's (FCC's) recent call for advanced software-defined-radio and cognitive radio technologies to address the needs of improved public safety radios was enthusiastically supported by the SDR Forum. The nonprofit industry group responded to the FCC's Ninth Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM)for a broadband public safety radio network in the 700-MHz band by urging the FCC to complete a detailed scientific study to determine the actual amount of broadband spectrum required to support public safety users through the year 2020. The SDR Forum also offered to assist in such a study. SDR Forum ---> http://www.sdrforum.org/ ******************************* 8. Happenings - Conferences ******************************* RFID World 2007 March 26-28, 2007 Grapevine, TX http://www.rfid-world.com/ ARMMS RF And Microwave Society Conference April 16-17, 2007 Milton Hill House Steventon, Abington, Oxfordshire, England http://www.armms.org/ IEEE Sarnoff Symposium 2007 April 30-May 2, 2007 Sarnoff Labs Princeton, NJ http://www.sarnoffsymposium.org 2007 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium June 3-8, 2007 Hawaii Convention Center Honolulu, HI http://www.ims2007.org/ ************************ ADVERTISEMENT**************************** For The Best In Test and Components Visit Microwaves & RF's RF Test Blog to learn about the latest developments in RF and microwave test equipment and measurement techniques. Sponsored by Keithley Instruments, this blog highlights hot new products, white papers, and application notes. And while you're there, take a look at the new RF Components Blog, sponsored by M/A-COM for the latest component news, at: http://www.mwrf.com/blog/ ****************************************************************** ==================================================== Technical Director: Jack Browne mailto: [email protected] Managing Editor: John Curley mailto: [email protected] Advertising/Sponsorship Opportunities: Paul Barkman at 1-908-704-2460 or mailto: [email protected] ==================================================== To subscribe send a blank email to: [email protected] To unsubscribe send a blank email to: [email protected] Penton's e-Newsletter homepage: http://www.planetee.com/ ==================================== Copyright 2007 Penton Media Inc. All rights reserved.
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