============================== Microwaves & RF UPDATE PlanetEE - www.planetee.com MWRF - www.mwrf.com February 15, 2007 ============================== Greetings and welcome to your personal copy of PlanetEE's Microwaves and RF UPDATE e-newsletter. Please see below for address-change or subscribe/unsubscribe instructions. Today's Table of Contents: 1. Hard To Argue With WiMAX Forum 2. Research Shows Rapid Growth In RFID 3. Skyworks Shows WCDMA Modules At 3GSM 4. ANADIGICS Adds To WiMAX PAs At 3GSM 5. Mobile WiMAX Forum PlugFest Explores Interoperability 6. G. T. Microwave Hatches Up 100-W Phase Shifter 7. SMA Adapter Helps Protect Connectors 8. Happenings - Conferences ************************ ADVERTISEMENT**************************** Keithley's 2007 Test and Measurement Product Catalog Keithley's Test and Measurement Product Catalog contains 400 pages detailing the company's source and measurement products, DC switching, RF switching hardware, RF signal generation and analysis instruments, data acquisition, semiconductor test systems, and optoelectronics test hardware. Each product section contains a tutorial on choosing a solution for the application, avoiding common measurement errors, and lowering cost. Request a free copy from: http://www.ggcomm.com/Keithley/FEB07MICROWAVERF_ENEWSLETTER.html or call 1-800-588-9238 ****************************************************************** *************** 1. Viewpoint *************** Hard To Argue With WiMAX Forum Questions regarding WiMAX as a broadband services solution are no longer "if" but more "when" and "how large a market." Generally, when a entire industry gets behind a particular standard, as was the case with IEEE 802.11, products are sold. The WiMAX Forum (www.wimaxforum.org) is that industry spark for WiMAX, bringing companies together with a common goal of driving the market through products that work seamlessly together. The nonprofit organization promises that WiMAX Forum certified products will be fully interoperable and support wireless metropolitan area networks (MANs) for broadband services. By organizing its interoperability PlugFests (see News item #5), the WiMAX Forum provides equipment suppliers and test equipment developers an open environment to test compatibility. In doing so, the WiMAX Forum helps speed products to market, and helps customers feel confident that those products will interoperate properly. Admittedly, the mobile portion of WiMAX may find more difficult market penetration than the fixed version of WiMAX (that "last mile" for broadband services). Still, the list of players involved in the WiMAX Forum's second mobile PlugFest is impressive. Hard to argue that these companies won't make WiMAX a success, based on their past histories. JACK BROWNE Technical Director ************* 2. News ************* Research Shows Rapid Growth In RFID Research firm IDTechEx predicts that 1.71 billion radio-frequency-identification (RFID) tags will be sold in 2007, with a total RFID market size (including software and integration) of $4.96 billion. The largest part of the market will be in RFID cards, with the non-card segment projected to be $1.97 billion globally. Excluding cards, 58.4 percent of the market in 2007 will be in the US and 33 percent in Europe. The report, "RFID Forecasts, Players and Opportunities 2007-2017," authored by IDTechEX Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Raghu Das, projects that the RFID market will rise to more than $27 billion by 2017. IDTechEx ---> http://www.idtechex.com/ ********* 3. News ********* Skyworks Shows WCDMA Modules At 3GSM Skyworks Solutions announced new additions to its Intera(TM) line of front-end modules at this week's 3GSM World Congress 2007 in Barcelona, Spain. Developed for wideband-code-division-multiple-access (WCDMA) applications in PCS bands I, II, IV, V, and VI, the compact modules are designed to extend battery life and simplify integration with virtually any baseband architecture. The WCDMA FEMs support high speed uplink packet access (HSUPA), high speed downlink packet access (HSDPA), and feature a built-in power coupler and detector. They also include the company's patent-pending bulk-acoustic-wave (BAW) filter technology. Model SKY77433 for Band I is a fully matched 16-pin, full-duplex FEM in a small and efficient 4 x 7 mm package for universal mobile telecommunications systems (UMTS) in Europe and Asia. Model SKY77434 for Band II is a 4 x 7 mm FEM for U.S. PCS applications. Model SKY77435 for Band IV is a 4 x 7 mm FEM for advanced wideband systems (AWS), otherwise known as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Auctioned Spectrum. Finally, model SKY77436 for Band V is a 4 x 7 mm FEM for the US cellular market with Band VI covered for Japan. Skyworks Solutions, Inc. ---> http://www.skyworksinc.com/ ********* 4. News ********* ANADIGICS Adds To WiMAX PAs At 3GSM Another company making news at the 3GSM World Congress 2007 in Barcelona was ANADIGICS, announcing that it had expanded its line of WiMAX power amplifiers (PAs) with the introduction of the AWN6423 for mobile WiMAX. In support of the IEEE 802.16e-2005 standards, the new PA operates in the 2.5 to 2.7 band allocated for broadband mobile wireless services housed in a compact 4.5 x 4.5 mm module. It integrates a step attenuator and output power detector. According to Ron Michels, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Broadband Products at ANADIGICS, "Our WiMAX power amplifiers provide high linearity and advanced functional integration to support high performance solutions for the world's emerging broadband wireless systems, and superior efficiency to increase battery life for a more satisfying mobile experience." The PA module achieves 20-percent efficiency from a +3.3-VDC supply with EVM of 2.5 percent with 16QAM signals and +23.5-dBm output power. ANADIGICS ---> http://www.anadigics.com/ ********** 5. News ********** Mobile WiMAX Forum PlugFest Explores Interoperability The Second public Mobile WiMAX Forum PlugFest convened this week in Malaga, Spain, with 35 WiMAX test equipment and product manufacturers gathering to investigate the interoperability of their devices. Hosted by AT4 Wireless Labs, the PlugFest attracted chipset and system developers, including Accton Technology Corp., Adaptix, Airspan Networks, Alcatel-Lucent, Alvarion, Aperto Networks, Beceem, GCT Semiconductor, Huawei Technologies, Intel, LG Electronics, Motorola, Navini, Nokia, PicoChip, POSDATA, Redline Communications, Redpine Signals, Runcom Technologies Ltd., Samsung, SEQUANS Communications, SOMA Networks, Telsima, Wavesat Wireless Inc., and ZTE Corp. Test equipment suppliers included Aeroflex, Agilent, Anritsu, Rohde & Schwarz, and Tektronix. According to WiMAX Forum President and Chairman Ron Resnick, "The fact we have 35 companies participating in this week's PlugFest underscores the significant interest and strong momentum leading up to mobile WiMAX Forum Certification in mid 2007." WiMAX Forum ---> http://www.wimaxforum.org/ ************************ ADVERTISEMENT**************************** Don't Miss The Latest Episode of Engineering TV Engineering TV is an exciting new concept in engineering education. Each 5-to-8-minute episode shows advanced technology in action and investigates how today's engineers shape tomorrow's breakthrough. Two episodes will air each week. To check it out, go to http://www.engineeringtv.com ****************************************************************** ********* 6. News ********* G. T. Microwave Hatches Up 100-W Phase Shifter Model P6D-38N-0CC is a digital phase shifter capable of handling 100-W CW power from 700 to 1400 MHz. It provides full 360-deg. phase control over that frequency range, shifting in 5.63-deg. steps with 6-b TTL digital control. The phase error as a function of frequency is less than 20 deg. over the full frequency range while the amplitude balance is better than 1 dB full range. The switching speed to change phase states is an impressive 3 microseconds. The phase shifter, which measures 5 x 2 x 0.56 inches, requires power supplies of +5 VDC and 600 mA and -9.6 VDC and 100 mA. Proper heat sinking must be applied at a 100-W CW power level. G. T. Microwave ---> http://www.gtmicrowave.com/ ********* 7. News ********* SMA Adapter Helps Protect Connectors Delta Electronics Manufacturing Corp. has introduced a "Connector Saver" adapter to prevent damage to SMA connectors on components and cable assemblies for testing. The adapter features an SMA jack on one end and an SMA plug modified for "Slide-on" mating on the other end. When the jack end is fitted to an SMA plug on a cable assembly under test, the slide-on interface saves time when connecting the assembly to an analyzer's test port. Conversely, when testing devices fitted with SMA jack inputs or outputs, the adapter allows the test cable to be mated to the device with a straight push, saving the time need to thread and torque a standard SMA plug. The adapter requires 10 lbs maximum engagement force and 6 ounces minimum disengagement force. The adapter exhibits maximum VSWR of 1.03:1 from DC to 18 GHz. Delta Electronics Manufacturing Corp. ---> http://www.deltarf.com/ ******************************* 8. Happenings - Conferences ******************************* International Conference and Exhibition on Device Packaging March 19-22, 2007 Doubletree Paradise Valley Resort Scottsdale, AZ http://www.imaps.org/devicepackaging/ RFID World 2007 March 26-28, 2007 Grapevine, TX http://www.rfid-world.com/ ARMMS RF And Microwave Society Conference April 16-17, 2007 Milton Hill House Steventon, Abington, Oxfordshire, England http://www.armms.org/ IEEE Sarnoff Symposium 2007 April 30-May 2, 2007 Sarnoff Labs Princeton, NJ http://www.sarnoffsymposium.org 2007 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium June 3-8, 2007 Hawaii Convention Center Honolulu, HI http://www.ims2007.org/ ************************ ADVERTISEMENT**************************** For The Best In Test and Components Visit Microwaves & RF's RF Test Blog to learn about the latest developments in RF and microwave test equipment and measurement techniques. Sponsored by Keithley Instruments, this blog highlights hot new products, white papers, and application notes. And while you're there, take a look at the new RF Components Blog, sponsored by M/A-COM for the latest component news, at: http://www.mwrf.com/blog/ ****************************************************************** ====================================================== MICROWAVES AND RF (MWRF) UPDATE e-NEWSLETTER CONTACTS ====================================================== Technical Director: Jack Browne mailto:[email protected] Managing Editor: John Curley mailto:[email protected] Advertising/Sponsorship Opportunities: Paul Barkman at 1-908-704-2460 or mailto:[email protected] ===================================================== SUBSCRIBER INFO ===================================================== To subscribe to our online newsletters click here: http://www.mwrf.com/Subscribe/ To change your email address send an email, include your old address as well as your new one, to: mailto:[email protected]?subject=Address_Change ==================================== To view Penton Media's privacy policy click here: http://www.penton.com/privacy.html ==================================== Copyright 2007 Penton Media Inc. All rights reserved. Microwaves & RF Penton Media Inc. 45 Eisenhower Dr., 5th Floor Paramus, NJ 07652 USA
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