Low-power ZigBee technoLogy can be used for applications like home and building automation, industrial control, and medical patient monitoring. whereas most ZigBee modules run at 250 kb/s, the new Meshconnect ZigBee (ieee 802.15.4) modules run at 250 kb/s, 500 kb/s, or a full 1 Mb/s. As a result, they enable higher-speed applications as well as those that require burst throughput. there are two modules based on the Zic2410: the ZicM2410p0 with +6 dBm output power and the ZicM2410p2 with +20 dBm output power. with receive sensitivity of 97 dBm and low error vector magnitude (eVM), the Meshconnect modules typically offer a range of 3000 ft. in standby mode, the modules consume less than 0.3 mA. the modules enable various applications including cable replacement and automated heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and lighting systems. the 1-x-1.25-in. modules boast an integrated voice codec and antenna or optional antenna connector. p&A: less than $15/module; 1000 qty.
California Eastern Laboratories (CEL), 4590 Patrick Henry Dr., Santa Clara, CA 95054- 1817; (408) 919-2500, FAX: (408) 988-0279, Internet: www.cel.com.