Mini-Circuits has added long-time industry sales representative Spectrum Sales to handle sales in the New York, northern New Jersey, and southern Connecticut region. For over 55 years, Spectrum Sales has built an organization that provides practical design support for the companies it represents, providing guidance on active and passive RF/microwave components, materials, and subsystems.
Working with commercial, industrial, military, and high-reliability (HiRel) customers, Spectrum Sales helps with the specification process. It represents an impressive lineup of companies, including Bliley, Comtech PST, Guerrilla RF, L3 Narda/MITEQ, and now Mini-Circuits with its large product catalog.
Spectrum Sales Inc. (SSI) will help Mini-Circuits customers through its staff of experienced sales engineers who have extensive backgrounds in RF/microwave component, circuit, and system design, as well as measurement techniques. The sales representative also handles related technologies and supporting products/manufacturers, such as digital and fiber-optic components and materials, to aid high-frequency design customers in achieving practical, multiple-function solutions. The website provides categorization of technical areas by major component types and materials, for ease of navigation.
Spectrum Sales Inc. (SSI), P.O. Box 369, Syosset, NY 11791; (516) 921-5750, FAX: (516) 921-5776, E-mail: [email protected].