ID 142294574 © Audrius Merfeldas |
Spectrum wavelength

Perspectives on the Future of Spectrum Management and Monitoring

This discussion explores the pressing challenges of managing the crowded electromagnetic spectrum and highlights scalable solutions to ensure stable and secure wireless communications.

February 27, 2025

11:00 AM ET / 10:00 AM CT / 8:00 AM PT / 4:00 PM GMT

Duration: 1 hour 

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Management and monitoring of the electromagnetic spectrum—a finite resource—is a growing concern in several arenas. All kinds of wireless devices, systems, and networks vie for spectrum usage in shared space, including mobile services, military/public-service users, aerospace users, and more.

But according to the NTIA’s Institute for Telecommunication Sciences, “traditional monitoring approaches do not scale to the current and future challenges.” Some of these challenges include spectrum congestion, jamming and intentional interference, the ignoring of RF challenges by the security community, and more. Moreover, the NTIA asserts that the growth and stability of wireless communications depends on real-time awareness of the RF environment.

This webinar will look at some of the challenges and possible solutions for making the spectrum manageable for all.


Rodger Hosking
Director of Sales
Mercury Systems