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  • January-February 2021 MRF
  • January-February 2021 MRF

    Shutter999 | Dreamstime.com
    Crystal Ball 2 Promo

    Polishing the Old Crystal Ball Once Again

    Feb. 3, 2021
    Yes, it’s Microwaves & RF’s 2021 Technology Forecast issue, in which we once again attempt to peer into the future to predict things to come (and hope that we’re not veering into...
    Wrightstudio, Dreamstime.com
    Smarthome Photo 137115250 Wrightstudio Dreamstime

    Can CHIP Make the Seamless Smart Home Real?

    Jan. 19, 2021
    Qorvo’s Cees Links discusses where home networks have been, where they are now, and where they’re going, and how Project Connected Home over IP is in the mix.
    BiancoBlue, Dreamstime.com
    5 G 171270486 © Bianco Blue Dreamstime

    The Future of RF Filtering in a 5G World

    Jan. 14, 2021
    The onset of broad 5G and Wi-Fi 6/6E adoption will necessitate a new approach to RF filtering in mobile devices.
    Denewsdec21 3 Promo

    Oscillators Close to Phase-Noise Floor

    Dec. 30, 2020
    Miniature LVDS clock oscillators in the QTCC578 series are available with fixed output frequencies from 100 to 250 MHz and extremely low phase noise.
    Putilich, Dreamstime.com
    6 G Id 195677237 © Putilich Dreamstime

    6G: Fantastic, Yes. Fantasy? Not So Much.

    Dec. 23, 2020
    As a viable technology, 6G is quite a way off. But some of the doubts about its feasibility may be overblown. Here’s a look at what 6G is, what it might bring to the table, and...

    More content from January-February 2021 MRF

    Bo D Communication Wireless 621358098

    Integration Tips for FPC Antennas

    Dec. 22, 2020
    The smallest antenna may not be the best solution for a design. The FPC antenna can serve as a useful alternative for certain designs.
    Skyworks Solutions
    High Power Promo 1

    High-Power Front-End Module Serves V2V and V2X Applications

    Dec. 16, 2020
    Said to have the highest power output on the market, Skyworks' FEM has all it needs to propel upcoming V2V/V2X applications from concept to reality.
    1220 Mw Benetel O Ran Radio Units Promo

    O-RAN Radio Unit Brings the Outdoor 5G Experience Indoors

    Dec. 8, 2020
    Fully compliant with the latest O-RAN interface specification, these compact, cost-optimized units are specifically targeted at indoor deployment.
    Part6 Prom Onew

    Phased-Array Antenna Patterns (Part 6)—Sidelobes and Tapering

    Oct. 1, 2020
    This sixth installment closes out the series on phased-array antenna patterns with a discussion of antenna sidelobes and the effect of tapering across an array.