The annual International Microwave Symposium is poised to deliver its typically stellar technical program, offering an array of educational and career-boosting opportunities to...
Placing antennas close to a platform can present many challenges. This article explores what to look for in an antenna to enhance the front-end physical layer of a wireless system...
Andres Arrieta and his research group at Purdue University are experimenting with electronic systems capable of morphing to meet the requirements of changing hypersonic operating...
Keysight Technologies developed a test tool validated for the FiRa 2.0 Certification release, covering ultra-wideband physical-layer conformance testing.
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Spirent’s Steve Douglas shares an overview of the company’s 5th annual 5G Outlook Report, chock-full of trends such as non-terrestrial networks, open RANs, and the move to standalone...
Growing adoption of 5G mobile technology is disrupting connectivity. But what does this mean for in-building communications, where approximately 80% of all mobile voice and data...
SiTime's integrated Super-TCXO optimizes RF and synchronization performance, offering up to 30X higher reliability, with up to 20X better environmental resilience in wireless ...
Radar systems are increasingly important in many industries. However, as they carry out complex techniques, they need transceivers that can meet their needs. Software-defined ...