| | | | | | | | An innovative application of MEMS motion sensors in soccer balls brings an extra level of specificity to the game at its highest levels. |
| Here's this week's selection of some of the most interesting new products that have been launched of late. |
| Join our webinar to explore how the evolution of communication technologies will push the limits of engineering and testing in the quest for cellular's sixth generation. |
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| | | | | | | | Soldering can make or break a PCB, both figuratively and literally. This article offers basic tips and nine specific problems/mistakes to look out for when doing a soldering job. |
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| | | | | | Sponsored | These dual-port, dual-path vector network analyzers, from Pico Technology, provide fast, accurate microwave measurements. They can gather a 201 point 2-port .s2p Touchstone file in under 38 ms and feature a 124 dB dynamic range at 10 Hz (118 dB for the PicoVNA 106) with less than 0.006 dB RMS trace noise at their maximum 140 kHz bandwidth. Perfect for the lab, the field or embedded applications. |
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