Oven-controlled crystal oscillators (OCXOs) in the OX1000 series are designed to provide stable frequencies across a range from 10 to 40 MHz in miniature packages measuring just 9 × 14 mm. With their outstanding temperature stability, these crystal oscillators are suitable for a variety of applications, including wireless infrastructure, transmission, precision instrumentation, broadcasting, and utility meters. They also meet the wander requirements of GR-1244 making it suitable for IEEE-1588 applications. The oscillators, which are available with choice of clipped sinewave and HCMOS output waveforms, deliver temperature stability as good as 100 ppb from -40 to +85°C with phase noise as low as -150 dBc/Hz offset 100 kHz from the carrier. The oscillators feature low current consumption of 600 mA during warmup and only 300 mA in steady-state operation while running from a +3.3-VDC supply. P&A: $50 each (100 piece qty.); 8 wks.
Raltron Electronics Corp., 10400 NW 33rd St., Ste. 270-290, Miami, FL 33172; (305) 593-6033, FAX: (305) 594-3973