The MEMS resonator can be digitally corrected to be almost any level of stability. However, that comes at the cost of increasing power consumption. Furthermore, it will always have micro frequency jumps over every short-term cycle that must be digitally corrected back to the desired level of stability.
The MEMS resonator curve isn’t smooth, as it has a large number of small frequency jumps due to the dithering induced by digital correction. If more power is used, the dithering can be reduced, but never eliminated. This is what causes the MEMS clock to have worse phase noise and jitter than quartz crystal oscillators.
Manufacture and Cost
MEMS clocks offer several advantages over crystal oscillators in cost, production volume, and lead time. Because quartz crystal oscillators are inherently “custom,” MEMS clocks are usually much cheaper and faster to produce.
Also, MEMS are manufactured in very high volumes using semiconductor manufacturing methods. Therefore, applications that don’t need the good phase noise and the low jitter benefits of quartz, can tolerate the higher power consumption, and won’t be exposed to any radiation, will often use the much less expensive MEMS.
Both technologies have their place in the future. On balance, MEMS oscillators already exhibit very good performance and represent an extremely valuable technological advance that will continue to be improved. They will dominate in high-volume low-cost clock applications, most notably in the automotive industry where low phase noise isn’t important.
For their part, quartz crystal oscillators will continue to dominate space applications (where using MEMS isn’t possible), as well as RF and microwave applications, radar, and other noise-sensitive circuits.