Bayonet Connectors Reduce Test-Cable Breakage
Bayonet-style connectors known as the ZMA series have found a niche as terminations for test cables intended for use by high-volume cell-phone manufacturers. The precision connectors vow to reduce cable-replacement rates from six per year to practically none. As a result, manufacturers are able to minimize production downtime by eliminating points of failure caused by poor or failed testing results from rapidly deteriorated test-cable connections. With rapid coupling and decoupling, threaded connectors too often fail from overtightening. At best, they produce inconsistent test results from either under- or over-tightening.
The connectors' body is passivated stainless steel per ASTM A582. The bead is PTFE per ASTM-D-1710 while the center pin is gold-plated beryllium copper per ASTM-B-196. Minimum mating cycles is 500. The connectors operate from DC to 18 GHz with nominal impedance of 50 Ω. The maximum VSWR is 1.05:1from DC to 8 GHz, 1.15:1 from 8 to 12.4 GHz, and 1.25:1 from 12.4 to 18 GHz. Maximum insertion loss is 0.05 X (frequency in GHz0.5dB.
Because the ZMA bayonet coupling connectors can easily be mated and de-mated by hand with a quarter turn, no torque wrenches are needed. They are therefore suitable for applications in which space is tight. The connectors are "keyed" with lugs in 2-, 3- or 4-lug styles. Because the ZMA connectors provide a high coupling force, they are useful in extreme vibration applications where insufficient room is available for spring-loaded blindmate panels. For applications like antenna systems, this connector provides superior mechanical stability and eliminates the need for lock wiring in space-limited high-vibration environments. In test systems, the connector provides a fast and accurate method for continuous connects and disconnects.
MegaPhase LLC, 2098 West Main St., Stroudsburg, PA 18360; (570) 424-8400, Internet: