It’s always been a challenge to generate terahertz (THz) waves, the span of electromagnetic spectrum between millimeter and optical wavelengths and generally defined as wavelengths from 1 to 0.1 mm or 300 to 3,000 GHz. While there are vacuum-tube and solid-state devices and assemblies that can do so, these bring many challenges and limitations.
Now, a team at MIT in close collaboration with one at nearby Harvard University has developed a laser-pumped, gas-based THz source that can be fine-tuned over 37 lines spanning 0.251 to 0.955 THz. Each line features kilohertz linewidths and power greater than 1 mW.
The underlying physics is obviously extremely sophisticated, based on what’s called rotational population inversions that are optically pumped by a quantum cascade laser (QCL). Also fascinating is that the gas they used for a variety of reasons was nitrous oxide, better known as laughing gas.
Their implementation overcame some previously assumed theoretical limitations about cavity size as well as molecular interaction and collision. This analysis led to the development of a new mathematical theory to describe the behavior of a gas in a molecular gas laser cavity. Their new model tracked thousands of relevant vibrational and rotational states among millions of groups of molecules within a single cavity. New numerical analysis and computational techniques were used to reduce the large problem and make it solvable on a laptop computer. It then analyzed how those molecules would react to incoming infrared light, depending on their position and direction within the cavity.
The entire project utilized off-the-shelf standard electro-optical components, including a custom-built tunable QCL (also constructed from standard parts) developed by the Harvard group. This QCL provided the power that the MIT group’s theory predicted would be needed to properly excite a resonant cavity the size of a pen (a conventional cavity is about 1000× larger). The researchers then looked through libraries of gases to identify those that were known to rotate in a certain way in response to infrared light and selected nitrous oxide.
Although the principles, design, and implementation are extremely advanced, a few figures summarize the situation. In the arrangement (Fig. 1), IR light from a widely tunable QCL is tuned to pump a “rotational (ro)-vibrational” transition and create a rotational population inversion. Light from the QCL is deflected by a 90%-10% beam splitter (BS) and transmitted through a gas cell. Therefore, the QCL may be tuned into coincidence with the vibrational transition by minimizing the transmitted intensity measured using a photodiode (PD).