
Software Predicts How Millimeter Waves Bounce Off Walls

June 30, 2017
Remcom's software can project how millimeter waves scatter off walls and buildings as well as the effects of that scattering on signal power.

New simulation software predicts how millimeter waves scatter off walls, buildings, and other objects. It also calculates how the scattered radio waves impact signal power.

Remcom announced on Wednesday that the latest version of its radio propagation software, Wireless Insite, includes diffuse scattering prediction. With it, the software can better project the behavior of millimeter waves, which are incapable of passing through walls and other objects but will be vital for 5G communications.

The base software can simulate large numbers of wireless channels using MIMO – also known as multiple-input, multiple-output – which allows multiple antennas to send out signals to multiple devices simultaneously to increase how much traffic can fit into the spectrum bands.

Remcom said that the software can handle the intense calculations required for ray tracing. It can measure complex impulse responses and show cross-polarization of received signals in greater detail than older tools. It also supports normal, backscatter, and forward scattering options. 

Not understanding millimeter waves fully could stand in the way of using them effectively. The bands must be tightened into beams and steered around obstacles to avoid interference. In recent years, U.S. regulators have voted to open millimeter waves for licensing, answering telecom industry complaints of a spectrum shortage.

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