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AI Engines Augment ACAP FPGA

April 25, 2022
Xilinx further enhanced its ACAP ecosystem by adding the Versal Premium Series with AI Engines, bringing artificial-intelligence capability to DSP engines on previous ACAP chips.

This article appeared in Electronic Design and has been published here with permission.

Xilinx’s Adaptive Compute Acceleration Platform (ACAP) blends FPGA flexibility with hard-core logic that provides power-efficient acceleration. A high-speed, programmable, network-on-chip (NOC) connects everything together. The system has a 9-Tb/s serial interface bandwidth to move data in and out of the chip quickly. The chips also include ASIC-like cores such as 100G/600G Ethernet cores, 400G high-speed crypto engines, and DDR memory control.

The latest addition to the ACAP portfolio is the Versal Premium Series with AI Engines (Fig. 1). This 7-nm family adds artificial-intelligence (AI) engines to the DSP engines that were already included on prior ACAP chips. ­­­­

The main building block of these AI ACAP chips is the AI Engine tile (Fig. 2). The blocks contain dedicated instruction and data memory—16 kB and 32 kB, respectively. This supports a 32-bit scalar processing unit that can handle 512-bit fixed-point and 512-bit floating-point vector processing with their own vector register sets. The memory units and computational units are linked to their nearest neighbors within the array of AI Engine blocks. The NOC connects the AI Engine array with the rest of the units on the chip.

A typical application for the AI ACAP chips is radar processing that employs machine-learning (ML) models in the data-stream processing flow (Fig. 3). The system is designed to deliver twice the beamforming performance in a smaller footprint using half the power of a more conventional approach.

Vivado ML supports hardware design for the chips. In addition, Xilinx’s Vitis and Vitis AI development platforms support AI and software developers and data scientists.

About the Author

William G. Wong | Senior Content Director

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