For applications through 110 GHz, a line of ridged-waveguide directional couplers is available in waveguide sizes from K-band WR-42 through W-band WR-10. Suitable for use in communications systems, radars, and test applications, the product line includes 28 models spanning 18 to 110 GHz. The couplers are available in standard waveguide and split-block waveguide, as well as in E- and H-bend designs. The directional coupler line features 10- or 20-dB coupling with typical directivity of 30 dB and insertion loss as low as 0.6 dB in some models. The waveguide directional couplers are constructed using high-quality brass copper that is gold plated for added precision and accuracy.
Pasternack Enterprises, 17802 Fitch, Irvine, CA 92614; 866-727-8376