This article appeared in Electronic Design and has been published here with permission.
What you’ll learn:
- The relationship between RF energy and assessing potential photovoltaic-material performance.
- The two overlapping ways to excite and measure PV materials such as perovskites.
- How the conflicting test results were resolved.
It may seem from a first glance that there’s little in common between the dc performance of solar cells and their constituent photovoltaic (PV) materials and the RF world of microwaves and terahertz (THz) energy. Of course, a close connection exists at the atomic-physics level, as the mobility and lifetime of electrons and holes in the PV material translate into light-induced current flow in PV systems when energized by electromagnetic radiation.
Those two parameters—mobility and lifetime—are among the most important properties of a semiconductor to be used as a solar cell, as large charge-carrier mobilities are desirable to enable efficient charge injection and extraction.
Both parameters can be measured without contacts via spectroscopic methods using terahertz or microwave radiation. However, the resultant measurement data found in literature often differs by orders of magnitude. This has made it difficult to use the results for reliable assessments of material quality.
Higher-Accuracy PV-Material Performance Determination
In recent years, perovskite semiconductors in particular have attracted attention, as they’re relatively inexpensive, easy to process, and enable high efficiencies. Now, researchers at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) took a major step in more accurately determining the potential performance of PV materials such as perovskites without the need to fabricate solar cells or make physical contact. They combined the expertise of 15 laboratories to quantitatively model and analyze the current-voltage characteristics of a solar cell from such measurements.
Note: If you’re not familiar with HZB, it’s the result of the merger of two research institutions—the Hahn-Meitner-Institut (established in 1959) and BESSY GmbH (1979). With approximately 1,100 employees, it’s one of the largest non-university research centers in Berlin.
Both charge-carrier mobilities and lifetimes can be probed without physical contact by Time-Resolved Microwave Conductivity (TRMC) and Optical-Pump Terahertz-Probe (OPTP) spectroscopy, making them excellent tools for the characterization of photovoltaic materials (Fig. 1). OPTP can monitor fast processes like trapping into defect states and exciton formation, while TRMC adds the slower processes such as long-living trapped carriers or weak recombination in advanced materials, e.g., halide perovskites.