BY LEVERAGING an internal temperature-controlled crystal oscillator (TCXO), a direct-digital-synthesized (DDS) signal generator provides accuracy of better than +/-2 ppm. Model 2918A contains two synchronized 170-MHz DDS sources that can be individually set to any value between 0.1 Hz and 170 MHz with a resolution of 0.1 Hz. The phase between the channels can be controlled with 14-b resolution. The standard output level is +4 dBm with 10 b programming range. The 2918A's internal crystal timebase is stable to +/-2 ppm per year. An optional feature enables locking to an external reference. The instrument's front-panel, two-line-by-16-character backlighted liquid-crystal display (LCD) has an associated rotary encoder and control buttons for setting the desired frequency on each of the two channels. Output frequencies, phase, and amplitudes can be controlled remotely using an RS-232 computer interface and text commands. P&A: $1295; stock to two weeks.
Novatech Instruments, Inc., P.O. Box 55997, Seattle, WA 98155-0997; (206) 301-8986, Fax: (206) 363-4367, Internet: