The analysis bandwidth of the FSW signal analyzer has been expanded to 2 GHz, via the FSW-B2000 hardware option. This combination signal and spectrum analyzer is available with frequency limit to 67 GHz. With the wide-bandwidth analysis option, it is suitable for measuring signals as found in emerging commercial wireless standards such as 5G cellular communications and IEEE 802.11ad wireless-local-area-network (WLAN) systems as well as for military applications, such as evaluating chirped radar signals. The signal analyzer works with one of the company’s RTO oscilloscopes, downconverting wideband signals into the range of the oscilloscope’s digitizer circuitry. Signal analyzers with the option are available with high-end frequencies of 26.5, 43.5, 50.0, and 67.0 GHz.
Rohde & Schwarz USA Inc., 6821 Benjamin Franklin Dr., Columbia, MD 21046; (410) 910-7800, FAX: (410) 910-7801
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