2. This is a CISPR-16-compliant 3m chamber lined with ULTRA UH series absorbers.
The absorbers cover a wide frequency range from 30 MHz to 40 GHz. The standard base size is 1.97 × 1.97 in. (60 × 60 cm). Moreover, RF power-handling capability is as high as 600 V/m. Furthermore, the ULTRA UH series of absorbers meets the GER-DIN 4102 Class B2 fire-retardancy standard.
MVG offers several design variations of the ULTRA UH series. Customers can choose between the UH30, UH50, and UH 75 absorbers, which have heights of 30, 50, and 75 cm, respectively. The company is also offering the UHC30, which is a high-carbon absorber that has a specifically enhanced reflectivity to meet emission testing (1 to 18 GHz) site-voltage-standing-wave-ratio (sVSWR) requirements when used as a floor absorber.
In terms of weight, the UH30, UH50, and UH75 weigh 1.9, 4.1, and 5.3 kg, respectively. The UH30 is designed with 36 pyramid points, while the UH50 and UH75 are designed with 16 and nine, respectively. In regard to absorption characteristics, the UH30’s absorption at normal incidence is 37.2 dB at 18 GHz. Meanwhile, absorption at normal incidence of the UH50 and UH75 are 49.3 dB and 51.2 dB, respectively, at 18 GHz.