Today’s automobiles are an amalgamation of technology from three different centuries: combustion engines from the 19th, electrical systems from the 20th, and electronics from the 21st. The rapid rise in electronic complexity within vehicles means many more active components and assemblies than ever, all of which emit some amount of RF noise that can affect other active components and assemblies.
As a result, the automotive electromagnetic environment is rife with both radiated and conducted interference in frequencies that range from low (LF) to super high (SHF). Sometimes the imposition of one device’s RF noise on another device can result in unanticipated, and unwelcome, changes in system operation.
With so much electronic content within vehicles, electromagnetic-compatibility (EMC) testing has become both more essential and more challenging. In this article, we’ll discuss some techniques for using oscilloscopes to assist with the rigorous testing requirements.
Making the Most of Acquisition Memory
Consider the automotive standard ISO 7637-2:2011. Its specification includes electromagnetic compatibility of conducted electrical transients affecting equipment installed in passenger vehicles powered by 12- and 24-V batteries. The characteristic transient shape has a fast rise time requiring a high sampling rate but has an ultra-low pulse duty cycle of only 0.003%. This creates an enormous strain on oscilloscope resources as the scope struggles to sustain a high sampling rate over very long capture periods.
As an example, referring to Figure 1, the oscilloscope has already consumed 50 million sample points to acquire a mere 10 pulses of ISO 7637-2:2011 pulse 2A. As an aside, the oscilloscope used for these measurements is Teledyne LeCroy’s 12-bit WavePro804 HD, an 8-GHz, four-channel instrument with a peak sampling rate of 20 Gsamples/s and 100 Mpoints/channel of acquisition memory.