Premier media brand that specializes in providing comprehensive information and resources for its audience of specialists in high-frequency electronic design.
Microwaves & RF specializes in providing comprehensive information and resources for its audience of specialists in high-frequency electronic design. Serving this design community for more than 60 years, Microwaves & RF celebrates the industry’s origins while keeping its audience updated on current and next-generation technologies.
With applications in satcom, radar, transceivers, and more, Quantic MWD’s oscillators bring low phase noise and high stability to frequency-control and timing tasks in harsh environment...
Yokogawa's latest high-voltage, wide-bandwidth differential probe is equipped to handle next-generation power electronics for automobiles and other applications.
A CSI feedback technique leverages AI to analyze and correct errors found in wireless comms systems, such as 5G networks, in support of users traveling at high speeds relative...