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Advanced Nonlinear and Noise Modeling of High-Frequency GaN Devices (.PDF Download)

Oct. 31, 2017
Advanced Nonlinear and Noise Modeling of High-Frequency GaN Devices (.PDF Download)

Gallium-nitride (GaN) technology has been rapidly growing as the material of choice for HEMT devices in the RF/microwave industry due to its high-efficiency operation and its specific properties being ideal for high-frequency and high-power applications. GaN technology has also proven applicable for high-frequency, low-noise receiver circuitry. More recent processes in GaN transistor development have used shorter gate lengths to address increasing opportunities for use in designs at 10 GHz and above.

This expanding utilization of GaN technology has led to demand for highly accurate, nonlinear advanced models that are effective for electronic design of various modes of high-efficiency power amplifiers (PAs), as well as low-noise applications. This article focuses on the features and capabilities of a set of advanced models for Qorvo’s 0.15-µm GaN die devices for both nonlinear and low-noise high-frequency designs.