Part of preparing for the higher-frequency signals in portions of 5G wireless communications networks will be generating signals at millimeter-wave frequencies, and the 2017 IMS exhibition featured a number of companies with deep experience in circuits and components for use above 30 GHz, including SAGE Millimeter at booth No. 640. The company recently announced its STE-2F212-03-S1 frequency extender for generating signals from 60 to 90 GHz. The frequency doubler transforms input signals from 30 to 45 GHz at a power level of +5 dBm to output frequencies from 60 to 90 GHz at a still-usable power level of +3 dBm. The frequency extender is meant for use on test benches as a way to increase the frequency range of test signal generators. The company also showed its SOV-94306310-10-G1 W-band varactor-tuned Gunn oscillator with electronic tuning of ±3 GHz at 94 GHz and +13 dBm typical output power.
Among its many different microwave and millimeter-wave components on display at the 2017 IMS, Pasternack Enterprises (booth No. 514) featured the PE1V34003 VCO module with GaAs MMIC technology to achieve +13 dBm output power from 38.4 to 43.2 GHz. The rugged millimeter-wave signal source, with low phase noise of -98 dBc/Hz offset 100 Hz from the carrier, is a good fit for electronic-warfare (EW) systems, radar, and test applications. It tunes with voltages from 0 to +13 V dc.