While the 2017 IMS carries a theme in support of 5G, Mitsubishi Electric (booth No. 1827) comes to the exhibition on the heels of having released details on their electromagnetic (EM) simulation efforts on behalf of Internet of Things (IoT) technology. By using aerial photographs and available details about an area, the company is able to create three-dimensional (3D) models of cities to quickly and precisely visualize the paths and patterns of radio waves in an area (see figure). The tool can determine the best locations for wireless routers and base stations when building wireless networks.
Using aerial photographs and other details, a tool creates 3D models of cities for visualizing the directions of radio-wave travel. (Courtesy of Mitsubishi Electric)Using aerial photographs and other details, a tool creates 3D models of cities for visualizing the directions of radio-wave travel. (Courtesy of Mitsubishi Electric)
The modeling approach incorporates the ray-trace technique for measuring radio-wave intensity and builds a statistical model of the radio-wave attenuation characteristics based on physical characteristics and obstructions for an area. It is claimed to speed and simplify the placement of wireless infrastructure equipment in wireless networks, including for IoT devices.