Reference oscillators boosted by distribution amplifiers are often separate components devoted to frequency and time keeping within many electronic systems requiring multiple reference sources .
When economy of size is critical for a system, though, the AXTAL AX9000 series (see image above) from AXTAL GmbH & Co., now part of Q-Tech Corp., features 19-in. rack-mount enclosures available with either component for ease of addition to a system. The units, based on 10-MHz reference sources based on oven-controlled crystal oscillators (OCXOs), GPS-disciplined OCXOs, or rubidium (Ru) sources, deliver frequency stability as good as ±0.0001 ppm.
The 10-MHz clock oscillators and distribution amplifiers are well-suited for a wide range of electronic systems, including atomic clocks and time servers. The frequency references include models AXIOM9000 (OCXO), AXGPS9000 (GPS-disciplined OCXO), and AXRB9000 (Ru oscillator). The distribution amplifiers (models AXDA9000 for low noise and AXDA9100 for low jitter) fit in single-space enclosures with as many as 16 fully isolated 10-MHz outputs per unit.
Henry Halang, AXTAL’s Managing Director, explained, “Unlike other distribution amplifiers in this class, the AXDA9000 is a selective and not a broadband amplifier, resulting in lower phase noise. Combined with the supreme AX9000 frequency references, these units are an exceptional solution to a range of applications requiring multiple, isolated, accurate, and stable timing sources.”
AXTAL GmbH & Co. was acquired by Q-Tech, in early 2023, for which Scott Sentz, Q-Tech’s Director of Sales and Marketing, said, “The acquisition of AXTAL has added significantly to the range of frequency-control products we offer. Products like the AXIOM9000 and AXDA9000 are an example of AXTAL’s system integration expertise.”