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Having Passed a Milestone, We're Taking a New Tack

March 2, 2022
Sometimes milestones give one pause to reconsider the mission at hand and how to enhance it. That's where we're at Microwaves & RF.

In November, Microwaves & RF marked its 60th anniversary of serving the community of high-frequency design engineers. Concurrently, we've been pondering our mission and how best to move forward into the future. We've thought over our approach up to this point and how we can better service our audience, both in print and online.

Throughout its history, Microwaves & RF has been the industry’s go-to source for the latest in technology, trends, and news. It’s also where engineers turn for the latest developments in new products as they specify parts and subassemblies for their design projects.

As it enters its next 60 years, we at Microwaves & RF will be the RF/microwave engineer’s critical source for new product and technology information for communications/wireless-related designs. From 5G/6G to IoT/IIoT, military/aerospace to ISM, EMC/EMI to test and measurement, and geolocation services to broadband—if RF/microwave design projects need it, we cover it, in depth and in context.

One perennial issue gleaned from our Salary Surveys is that engineers don't have enough time to get their jobs done. Thus, we’re increasing our value to our audience by reshaping how we present information. We're taking care to structure technology content in a scannable, sectioned form that takes the reader from general information at the outset (The Overview), to application context (Who Needs It and Why?), to deep technical insights (Under the Hood). We carefully tailor the reader’s experience by compiling relevant content into meaningful presentations for a truly optimized information collection.

When it comes to our website, we've implemented an AI interface that can recommend supplementary content, eBooks, and other materials to further personalize a user’s experience. And that's not the only way in which we've enhanced our website—new and growing video initiatives such as our TechXchange Talks, QuickTalks, and editorial webinars will let you hear directly from industry leaders with fresh insights into the directions technology is taking.

Many publications have what's known as a "tagline," a slogan of sorts that encapsulates what the publication is about. Some are famous, such as the New York Times's "All the News That's Fit to Print."

We've changed our tagline to reflect these enhancements to our mission, and while we haven't any illusions of it becoming as famous as that of the United States' "paper of record," we do take it seriously and will regard it as a touchstone going forward. It's what we do here at Microwaves & RF: "RF, Communications, and Microwave Technology and New-Product Coverage—In Depth and In Context." By hewing closely to our tagline, we'll remain your go-to source for the latest in technology, trends, and news about the RF/microwave industry.

About the Author

David Maliniak | Executive Editor, Microwaves & RF

I am Executive Editor of Microwaves & RF, an all-digital publication that broadly covers all aspects of wireless communications. More particularly, we're keeping a close eye on technologies in the consumer-oriented 5G, 6G, IoT, M2M, and V2X markets, in which much of the wireless market's growth will occur in this decade and beyond. I work with a great team of editors to provide engineers, developers, and technical managers with interesting and useful articles and videos on a regular basis. Check out our free newsletters to see the latest content.

You can send press releases for new products for possible coverage on the website. I am also interested in receiving contributed articles for publishing on our website. Use our contributor's packet, in which you'll find an article template and lots more useful information on how to properly prepare content for us, and send to me along with a signed release form. 

About me:

In his long career in the B2B electronics-industry media, David Maliniak has held editorial roles as both generalist and specialist. As Components Editor and, later, as Editor in Chief of EE Product News, David gained breadth of experience in covering the industry at large. In serving as EDA/Test and Measurement Technology Editor at Electronic Design, he developed deep insight into those complex areas of technology. Most recently, David worked in technical marketing communications at Teledyne LeCroy, leaving to rejoin the EOEM B2B publishing world in January 2020. David earned a B.A. in journalism at New York University.

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