To enable MIMO stress testing of IEEE 802.11be stations and access points under realistic conditions, Bluetest and Rohde & Schwarz integrated the Wi-Fi 7 test functionality of the R&S CMX500 one-box signaling tester into Bluetest Flow control software.
Bluetest's reverberation chambers, such as the RTS65, perform efficient over-the-air performance evaluation of wireless devices by, creating a Rayleigh faded multipath RF environment. This environment mirrors real-world indoor and city conditions to evaluate the antenna and radio performance of multi-antenna (MIMO) and multi-carrier devices used in WLAN, 4G, and 5G.
Since multi-link operation (MLO) is a key feature in Wi-Fi 7, a test environment that provides multiple RF chains is crucial. The R&S CMX500 one-box tester fits that bill. The multichannel signaling tester supports multiple radio technologies, and and its embedded IP test capabilities make it a versatile solution for a range of Wi-Fi 7-specific tests.