This video is part of the TechXchange: Vector Network Analyzers.
Created to accelerate communication component characterization, the Keysight E5081A ENA-X vector network analyzer (VNA) is said to be the only mid-range network analyzer that can deliver fast and accurate error-vector-magnitude (EVM) measurements. The VNA's spectral correlation technique analyzes the modulated input and output signals in the frequency domain with accuracy and repeatability.
It offers a single test setup with full vector correction at the device-under-test (DUT) plane, and doesn't require manually reconfiguring setups or automating complex switch-based systems, speeding device verification with less error potential.
Features include low residual EVM with integrated modulation distortion software. improved noise figure measurements with wide dynamic range, and direct receiver access to integrate booster amplifiers, attenuators, or directional couplers. The VNA can also address input port mismatch, channel power, and source errors with vector-corrected calibration at the DUT plane.
Overall, the VNA makes it possible to test faster with modulated distortion and spectrum analysis, noise figure, vector mixer measurements, and more.